Friday 18 September 2009

Our visit to Serampore College

The day after we arrived we had the opportunity to go to Serampore College with a group of Spurgeon's College students who are staying here. It was about an hour's drive away. We went in one of the two Guest House vehicles. Serampore is where William Carey, the first missionary, landed after his epic 5 month journey by boat to India during which he taught himself Bengali. The East India Company would not allow him to land in Calcutta, but the Danish Government allowed him to land at Serampore and donated these gates to the College. William was an amazing man. His trade in England was as a cobbler, however he translated Bible passages into 30 different languages and we saw copies of some of the texts. I reflected a lot on the cost for mission workers of a previous era to go abroad to share their faith. William never returned to England and became the principal of the college. He also set up a printing press.

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