Wednesday 23 September 2009

Visiting the Girls

Amanda and I have been a couple of times to a hostel for girls about 20 minutes away. We have chatted with them, played games and listened to their music with them. They range from about 5 to 16. The hostel is run down and needs a lot of work.

Friday 18 September 2009

Missionary Cemetery

We went on from the College to visit the humble graveyard where William Carey, his family and other missionaries are buried. William wanted a humble grave.

Our visit to Serampore College

The day after we arrived we had the opportunity to go to Serampore College with a group of Spurgeon's College students who are staying here. It was about an hour's drive away. We went in one of the two Guest House vehicles. Serampore is where William Carey, the first missionary, landed after his epic 5 month journey by boat to India during which he taught himself Bengali. The East India Company would not allow him to land in Calcutta, but the Danish Government allowed him to land at Serampore and donated these gates to the College. William was an amazing man. His trade in England was as a cobbler, however he translated Bible passages into 30 different languages and we saw copies of some of the texts. I reflected a lot on the cost for mission workers of a previous era to go abroad to share their faith. William never returned to England and became the principal of the college. He also set up a printing press.

Guest House Garden

The Guest House garden is lovely and well kept. A hand mower is used to cut the grass and this man, whose name I haven't mastered yet, sweeps the paths with a long broom. There are so many crows in Kolkata so there is usually the sound of them cawing and the sight of eagles circling overhead. This gardener was very pleased to have his photo taken. The staff seem to work hard. There are men on the gate where we hand in our key if we are going out. They will call a taxi, explain where we want to go and negotiate a sensible rate for us. That is so हेल्पफुल.

I've arrived

Our flights were good but the luggage was delayed and delivered at midnight. Owing to some confusion we ended up sharing rooms. I am sharing with Zibby and have been told I will move into my own room on Sunday. We both agree that, although we prefer a room of our own, we have really got to know each other well and have a good relationship. I'm really grateful for that. The rooms are simple with a fan and air conditioning which is marvellous. We are on the second floor and look out over rooftops. We can hear the call to prayer several times a day. There is a lovely garden but most of the time it is too hot and steamy for us to sit out in it. Maybe as time goes on we will find this easier. We already feel we are coping with the weather better.